Friday, October 23, 2009

Lazy Day..........

Today is for sure a very lazy, dreary, sleeping dogs around me.......yes, a very relaxing day.  I should be getting together my Spagirl Gourmet info and products for the Applefest event tomorrow, but I am so not motivated.  I have been working on getting my blog design changed and finally after 2 hours figured how to get the code unzipped......I am a very stubborn person and won't give up til I figure it out (well, most of the time).  

Today is Friday!!! Lots of interesting things going on this weekend......doing family photographs for friends in the morning, Applefest all day, and then possible a haunted hayride tomorrow night with my mom and sister.  I still can't believe Halloween is next week........time sure does go faster everyday.  Being a WAHM doesn't really make time slow done like you might think it would. Being home you really do find productive things to do that you couldn't imagine having time to get done if you were gone all day everyday. I worked during tax season at an accounting office this year and boy was that tough. That was my first full time job since I quit when my son was born 6 years ago. (Before him I was working 20 or so hours of overtime each week and life was pretty simple)......BUT......once you have a child or children going back to work isn't easy by any means.  I worked 6 days a week full time at the accounting office and although it was nice to get out, I really missed getting those little moments in with my son......getting him off the bus, making him an after school snack, doing homework with him........I decided to NEVER work that many days a week again. Right now I am job hunting once again, but I am hoping for part time and something I really enjoy. I do photography and Spagirl parties on the side, but with my husband's job not paying him what he used to make and all bills that keep going up, it looks like I may have to enter the workplace once again for a little bit. 

I am very excited about bringing this blog to all WAHM' should not feel bad if you have to go back to work.......sometimes it's what you have to do make life easier for your family. It takes time to grow a business, so while you are working out of the house make sure you work that business at home so in the future you will be able to be a full time WAHM.    


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