Friday, November 6, 2009

Does life ever slow down?

I have been sitting here the past few days wondering if a WAHM's life ever slows done?  I can't imagine getting half the things accomplished that I need to if I worked full time. I am so excited I get to see my son's Grandparent's Day play at his school this's going to be sooooo cute!  He is in 1st grade and his class are the sweetest little things.......6 year olds are so cute when the sing and animate the music.  I dressed him in a nice blue collared shirt that is tucked in and put some gel in his hair to push the hair from eyes.......I know I will get there and the shirt will be hanging half out of his pants and his hair will be sticking straight up in the air....LOL!    But that's's actually pretty typical of most kids.  I have really learned not be embarrassed by how your child looks because all kids do it..........they all dismember their outfits and hair before anyone gets to see how cute they can look.  My son is really lucky because he has so many grandparents.  He has my parents, my husband's parents, my grandpa, my grandpa & grandma, & my husband's grandma. Cody also refers to each of them with a cute name....there is Grandma & Grandpa Penny (their dog's name), Grandma & Grandpa Bo (also dog's name), Big Pap, Little Pap, Old Pap, Old!   I love seeing him with the great's so nice to see how much they love him and how lucky he is to still have them around.  Well, I guess it's time to go get myself cleaned up and get to the school.........Have a great day all :-)


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